Our Promise to You
We understand the concerns every parent has about their child’s future.
We promise to help make sure your child is prepared and ready for success in college, career and life.
We are here to help you. Our promise to you is that we will help your student be ready and prepared for the future. Here are five ways we will fulfill our promise to you.
1. Relevant curriculum. We use strong and relevant curriculum and teaching strategies to educate and equip our students and make sure they will have what they need to succeed.
2. Caring support of a Christian staff. We are here to help you. We love your student and want the best for them. We will do whatever we can to help you.
3. Consistent consequences. Many life lessons are learned through the process of choices and consequences. We believe that shortchanging that process is detrimental to student growth.
4. Appropriate counsel. We are here to talk, pray, and support you as you raise your child. You are not in this alone. We are with you.
5. Seeing the whole child. Your child is not a number to us. They are a valuable person with a heart, mind and soul. We want them to flourish personally, socially, physically, and spiritually.
2. Caring support of a Christian staff. We are here to help you. We love your student and want the best for them. We will do whatever we can to help you.
3. Consistent consequences. Many life lessons are learned through the process of choices and consequences. We believe that shortchanging that process is detrimental to student growth.
4. Appropriate counsel. We are here to talk, pray, and support you as you raise your child. You are not in this alone. We are with you.
5. Seeing the whole child. Your child is not a number to us. They are a valuable person with a heart, mind and soul. We want them to flourish personally, socially, physically, and spiritually.
But we can’t do it alone!
For a student to actually be ready and prepared, collaboration is key! Parents, students, and school must work together!
Parents are vital. God gave you your child and this calling! Here are five things we ask for parents to do to help us fulfill our promise.
1. Pray often and seek God’s will and His word.
2. Find the balance between empowering and enabling. Seek to empower growth and not enable dependence on you.
3. Be the parent. Love unconditionally, support consistently, and discipline accordingly. Your home support provides the context for the learning structure.
4. Be involved. Ask questions. Listen carefully. Come to school events. Check up on their grade book and progress regularly.
5. Avoid helicoptering and rescuing. Give them the space to make choices, and don’t rescue them from the consequences of their choices. Natural consequences are some of the most powerful lessons.
2. Find the balance between empowering and enabling. Seek to empower growth and not enable dependence on you.
3. Be the parent. Love unconditionally, support consistently, and discipline accordingly. Your home support provides the context for the learning structure.
4. Be involved. Ask questions. Listen carefully. Come to school events. Check up on their grade book and progress regularly.
5. Avoid helicoptering and rescuing. Give them the space to make choices, and don’t rescue them from the consequences of their choices. Natural consequences are some of the most powerful lessons.
Students must make necessary choices to be ready and prepared for their future. Here are five simple things students must do so that we can help them be ready and prepared for their future.
1. Do their own work. Not copying or cramming, but doing the work and learning the content. No one can learn for you. Don’t make excuses. Get your work done or not much else will matter.
2. Show up. Attend class regularly, on time, ready and prepared to learn. If you don’t show up ready and prepared now, you won’t be ready and prepared for your future.
3. Ask questions. Understanding grows when we realize what we don’t know or don’t understand. We must ask questions to learn. Raise your hand, come at lunch, shoot an email.
4. Begin with the end in mind. Know what future you want to be prepared for. Choose the right classes and activities to reach your goal. Sometimes students don’t have future goals yet. Take the most interesting and challenging courses and give your best effort.
5. Don’t do stupid stuff. Getting involved in and doing things that are illegal, foolish, unkind, or inappropriate according to the handbook or the Bible is the quickest way to short change yourself and miss your goals. But, remember, failure is part of learning. So when and if you fail, admit it, take your consequences, and keep going forward.
2. Show up. Attend class regularly, on time, ready and prepared to learn. If you don’t show up ready and prepared now, you won’t be ready and prepared for your future.
3. Ask questions. Understanding grows when we realize what we don’t know or don’t understand. We must ask questions to learn. Raise your hand, come at lunch, shoot an email.
4. Begin with the end in mind. Know what future you want to be prepared for. Choose the right classes and activities to reach your goal. Sometimes students don’t have future goals yet. Take the most interesting and challenging courses and give your best effort.
5. Don’t do stupid stuff. Getting involved in and doing things that are illegal, foolish, unkind, or inappropriate according to the handbook or the Bible is the quickest way to short change yourself and miss your goals. But, remember, failure is part of learning. So when and if you fail, admit it, take your consequences, and keep going forward.
We believe we are all working towards the same goal...your student’s future success!